A method with an objective basis

PNV stays true to the principles of the Quertant Method, established by Georges Quertant

Georges Quertant was a French researcher and pioneer in identifying and rehabilitating certain functional neurological disorders. In developing his Psycho-Sensory Culture (CPS), later known as the Quertant Method, he created a fully-fledged discipline. The goal was as ambitious as it was simple: rehabilitating the functioning of the central nervous system, through neuro-sensory exercises.

Oculomotor function – an accurate and reliable gauge for a rehabilitation based on the principle of biofeedback

PNV is neuro-visual in that it uses the close link between eyes and brain, well-established in neuroscience, to affect and change the central nervous system’s functioning.

It is practiced on devices derived from optometry (diploscope) that can present images in specific modes of vision (simultaneous perception with or without binocular fusion).

If the image presented is perceived accurately, then the nervous system has reacted appropriately and positioned the eyes correctly. If not, then the brain was not able to receive, integrate, and produce an appropriate response.

Inappropriate vergence eye movements, which distort the visual perception of a test-image, are very subtle and nearly imperceptible to the naked eye. The extreme precision of these eye movements cause them to be especially susceptible to a central neurological disorder, and make them a first-rate indicator for detecting such disorders.

Whatever the origins of these inappropriate reactions, you can train yourself to gradually correct them and maintain an appropriate nervous response over time.

And so PNV is objectively based and functions on the principle of biofeedback.

What are the defining features of a neuro-sensory training such as PNV?

– It requires no intellectual or analytical effort
It works by simply maintaining the test images in place. PNV resembles a kind of athletic training, only carried out on a more subtle level by the nervous system. The PNV practitioner plays the role of the coach, supporting you along the way.

– The results obtained are stable and acquired for life
Change is established progressively through regular and repeated training sessions. PNV is therefore not a “magic pill”, which is why its results are long-lasting. You can serenely look to the future, without fear of a relapse.

– You can observe your progress all along the training
The neurosensory training ends when the last of the increasingly complex exercises no longer pose any difficulty. And so there is an objective end to this method. However, its benefits can be felt all along the process and you can objectively observe your progress when you can easily carry out an exercise that used to pose problems.

– PNV is complementary with other therapies
Our experience shows that, often, reestablishing a more balanced neurological functioning is enough to get rid of symptoms that seemed purely somatic (physical) or psychological. Nevertheless, nothing stops one from practicing other approaches at the same time (osteopathy, psychotherapy, acupuncture, naturopathy, etc.). On the contrary, the synergy between different therapies is known to yield more rapid and effective results.

PNV in short:

  • requires no intellectual or analytical effort
  • is a process with concrete evidence as you progress, and an objective end
  • is a natural method that yields lasting results
  • is a unique method that goes well alongside other approaches